Pre-Poo for Low Porosity Hair: Step By Step Guide

If you have curly locks or a very sensitive scalp, you must have already bumped onto the ideals of pre-poo for low porosity hair. One of the reasons is because dermatologists and trichologists have long figured out that what you put onto your scalp (or lack thereof) is to blame for its itchiness, dryness, or flakiness. In other words, the need to pre-poo low porosity hair was borne out of the need to reduce subsequent inflammation and irritation post hair treatment, especially in people with very fine hair.

What Is Pre-Poo for Low Porosity Hair? Setting the Record Straight

Anyone with low porosity hair knows the immense struggle that accompanies proper care of it. And if you are one of them, then you are well aware that it is not uncommon for it to feel unmanageable and dry regardless of what you do, right? Most hair and skin experts speculate that this type of hair texture struggles to retain or hold on to moisture, which calls for an entirely different strategy as far as maintenance and treatment go. Here's where the need to pre-poo 4c hair comes in.

But one may ask; what is pre-pooing and how does it help in adding shine, flexibility, moisture, and softness to my hair? Well, let's dive in.

In its most basic of definitions, pre-pooing hair simply means applying a suitable hair care oil or mask before shampooing your hair. This method, together with co-washing (washing your hair with a conditioner), is one of the most promising approaches to adding much-needed moisture to low porosity hair during ablution. Actually, pre-pooing is just a short form for a pre-shampooing practice.

A majority of such pre-poo treatments are done with regular oil. Nonetheless, if you want to take it a step further and achieve even more remarkable results, then using a dedicated hair condition or pre-formulated hair mask is not an option to debate. Bloommy Collagen Keratin Treatment, for example, contains a concoction of hyaluronic acid and coconut oil. Such a combination of rejuvenating ingredients will not just impart your hair with a crucial hydration complex but also nourish it extensively with a collection of essential nutrients that it needs to weather environmental extremities. That aside, here are some other choices that come in handy too.

Who Needs To Pre-Poo?

At this stage, you might be at a loss of whether or not pre-pooing will pay any meaningful dividends or whether it is even worth the pain. For starters, it is necessary to lay out from the outset that anyone with low porosity hair can reap a couple of impressive benefits from pre-pooing their hair hours before hitting the shower. Secondly, if you happen to have dry and brittle hair, then pre-pooing is one of the best ways of adding a generous spurt of moisture to it which goes a long way in making it more manageable, neat, and easier to style.

Otherwise, pre-pooing is always advisable if you are the type of person who shampoos/washes their hair often. In particular, we are talking about highly active or outdoor persons whose unique lifestyle implies that they need to douse their tresses with shampoos and conditioners whenever they step into the shower to get rid of grime and sweat.

You see, as much as modern shampoos are usually advertised as being mild and gentle to the hair, a good chunk of them contain a decent amount of sulfates that could potentially strip precious scalp/strands of their natural oils. Which, by the way, explains why your hair tends to feel brittle or dry moments after washing it. Pre-pooing can prove to be very useful in shielding your hair from the unforgiving harshness employed by such shampoos.

Lastly, you need to start thinking about pre-pooing your hair if you are constantly in direct sunlight. Low porosity hair, for all the grief that it is known for, is also easily dried out by extreme sun exposure.

What Is Low Porosity Hair?

Low porosity hair, as the name suggests, is any type of hair that proves hard to retain or absorb moisture. One way of knowing that low have this unique type of hair is that it constantly feels brittle and dry despite your best attempts to hydrate or moisturize it. Further, low-porosity hair typically proves challenging to manage or style, often times requiring multiple attempts before it can hold to a particular hairdo. And that's where the need for pre-pooing your hair comes in.

All in all, what is low porosity hair? Here's a quick and precise breakdown.

i. Your hair proves difficult and challenging to style
ii. Your tresses feel brittle and dry despite the application of all manner of hair products
iii. You struggle with product build-up at the base of your hair shafts
iv. Your hair does not hold on to color as much as you would love to
v. Your hair takes an unusually long amount of time to dry after washing it
vi. Hair products typically sit on the periphery of your hair instead of penetrating it

Most of the time (not necessarily always), the low porosity hair cuticles are usually so undamaged that water or hair treatment products can not break the skin-hair barrier to penetrate the shaft. Which, of course, explains why they struggle to absorb or retain moisture/haircare products.

The Benefits of Pre-pooing Low Porosity Hair

As mentioned above, there are quite a few benefits of pre-pooing low porosity hair, which include;

i. It's a good way of improving your hair's ability to retain moisture by creating an artificial barrier between it and the shampoo.
ii. It aids in reducing single-strand knots, especially in people with tightly curled hair which consequently decreases breakages.
iii. Softens up your hair by helping it retain crucial moisture
iv. By protecting your hair from damage, pre-pooing 4C hair can also aid in retaining its length for years
v. It reduces frizz by smoothing down your cuticles while adding shine and luster to them. Overall, this helps beat a lifeless and dull sheen caused by the over-usage of standard shampoos.
vi. Makes your hair a tad more manageable, reduces the incidence of dry scalp, and minimizes hair fall

How to Pre-poo Low Porosity Hair - The DIY Pre-poo Technique of Managing Low Porosity Hair

At this juncture, you might be wondering how to pre-poo low porosity hair. Contrary to what you may be tempted to think, DIY pre-poo for low porosity hair is quite easy to hack.

i. Start by applying a suitable penetrating oil or hair mask directly onto completely dry hair. Don't wet your hair as oils and hair masks won't distribute evenly through it.
ii. Make sure you focus on the periphery of your hair as the ends are usually the ones most prone to hair damage
iii. Make sure you cover your hair with a plastic bag or shower cap and let your pre-poo treatment sit for approximately 30 minutes to one hour
iv. Wash your hair as you normally would using reasonably warm water to get rid of the excess oil.
v. Apply a nourishing conditioner, and let it sit undisturbed for several minutes before finally rinsing it out.

How Often Should One Pre-poo Their Hair?

How often you pre-poo your hair is determined by a number of factors, such as;

i. Do you have processed or colored hair?
ii. Do you swim frequently in chlorinated pools?
iii. Are you fond of spending a lot of time basking outdoors?

All said and done, the more often you engage in activities that could potentially damage your hair, either physically or chemically, the more regularly you should consider pre-pooing your tresses.

How Long Should One Pre-poo Their Hair

As much as this could vary very distinctively from one person to another, most penetrating oils and hair masks ought to be left on between half one to one hour at most. That being said, no two hair textures are exactly the same - you need to experiment with trial and error until you land what works for you.

When Should You Not Pre-Poo?

Regardless of whether or not you are using the best pre-poo for low porosity hair, you should consider skipping pre-pooing if;

i. You have an extremely sensitive scalp that gets easily irritating by leaving hair products on for a couple of minutes
ii. You are already using a clarifying or deep hydrating shampoo
iii. You have deep conditioned your tresses recently

Ultimately, it ought to be a matter of personal choice when electing to use a particular set of pre-poo products for low porosity hair, as what could work for you may not necessarily work for your immediate neighbor.

In Closing

There's no denying that pre-poo oils for low porosity hair come in different shapes, sizes, and formulations. That's the reason it is extremely important to try out a few products on the market before settling for one that works best for your hair.


  1. Is pre poo good for low porosity hair?

    Pre-pooing low porosity hair protects it from the harsh chemicals found in most regular shampoos while increasing its propensity to hold on to moisture.

  2. What Should low porosity hair avoid?

    People with low porosity hair should avoid spending a lot of time in direct sunlight, overwashing their hair with sulfate-laden shampoos, or swimming in chlorinated pools frequently.

  3. What should I use to pre poo my hair?

    Any deeply penetrating oil e.g avocado oil, coconut oil, olive oil, mango butter, or even regular aloe vera conditioners, ought to be ideal for pre-pooing low porosity hair. Still, it's usually a matter of trial and error till you find what works best for your hair.

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